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Ethereum Types

Ethereum type definitions.


Bases: BaseModel

Represents an Ethereum signature with v, r, s components.

Source code in web3_google_hsm/types/
class Signature(BaseModel):
    """Represents an Ethereum signature with v, r, s components."""

    v: int = Field(..., description="Recovery identifier")
    r: bytes = Field(..., description="R component of signature")
    s: bytes = Field(..., description="S component of signature")

    @field_validator("r", "s")
    def validate_length(cls, v: bytes) -> bytes:
        if len(v) != MSG_HASH_LENGTH:
            msg = f"Length must be 32 bytes, got {len(v)} bytes"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        return v

    def validate_v(cls, v: int) -> int:
        if v < 0:
            msg = "v must be non-negative"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        return v

    def to_hex(self) -> str:
        """Convert signature to hex string."""
        return "0x" + (self.r + self.s + bytes([self.v])).hex()

    def from_hex(cls, hex_str: str) -> "Signature":
        """Create signature from hex string."""
        if hex_str.startswith("0x"):
            hex_str = hex_str[2:]
        sig_bytes = bytes.fromhex(hex_str)
        if len(sig_bytes) != SIGNATURE_LENGTH:
            msg = f"Invalid signature length: {len(sig_bytes)}"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        return cls(v=sig_bytes[64], r=sig_bytes[0:32], s=sig_bytes[32:64])

from_hex(hex_str) classmethod

Create signature from hex string.

Source code in web3_google_hsm/types/
def from_hex(cls, hex_str: str) -> "Signature":
    """Create signature from hex string."""
    if hex_str.startswith("0x"):
        hex_str = hex_str[2:]
    sig_bytes = bytes.fromhex(hex_str)
    if len(sig_bytes) != SIGNATURE_LENGTH:
        msg = f"Invalid signature length: {len(sig_bytes)}"
        raise ValueError(msg)
    return cls(v=sig_bytes[64], r=sig_bytes[0:32], s=sig_bytes[32:64])


Convert signature to hex string.

Source code in web3_google_hsm/types/
def to_hex(self) -> str:
    """Convert signature to hex string."""
    return "0x" + (self.r + self.s + bytes([self.v])).hex()


Bases: BaseModel

Represents an Ethereum transaction.

Source code in web3_google_hsm/types/
class Transaction(BaseModel):
    """Represents an Ethereum transaction."""

    model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, populate_by_name=True)

    chain_id: int = Field(..., description="Chain ID", validation_alias="chainId")
    nonce: int = Field(..., ge=0, description="Transaction nonce")
    gas_price: int = Field(..., gt=0, description="Gas price in Wei", validation_alias="gasPrice")
    gas_limit: int = Field(..., gt=0, description="Gas limit", validation_alias="gas")
    to: str = Field(..., description="Recipient address")
    value: int = Field(..., ge=0, description="Transaction value in Wei")
    data: str = Field("0x", description="Transaction data")
    from_: str = Field(..., description="Sender address", validation_alias="from")
    signature: Signature | None = Field(None, description="Transaction signature")

    @field_validator("to", "from_")
    def validate_address(cls, v: str) -> str:
        if not is_address(v):
            msg = "Invalid Ethereum address"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        return to_checksum_address(v)

    def validate_hex(cls, v: str) -> str:
        if not v.startswith("0x"):
            v = "0x" + v
        except ValueError as error:
            msg = "Invalid hex string"
            raise ValueError(msg) from error
        return v

    def to_dict(self) -> dict:
        """Convert transaction to dictionary format for"""
        tx_dict = {
            "chainId": self.chain_id,
            "nonce": self.nonce,
            "gasPrice": self.gas_price,
            "gas": self.gas_limit,
            "value": self.value,
            "from": self.from_,
        return tx_dict

    def to_transaction_dict(self) -> dict:
        """Convert to dictionary format suitable for signing."""
        tx_dict = {
            "chainId": self.chain_id,
            "nonce": self.nonce,
            "gasPrice": self.gas_price,
            "gas": self.gas_limit,
            "value": self.value,
        # Add signature if present
        if self.signature:
                    "v": self.signature.v,
                    "r": int.from_bytes(self.signature.r, "big"),
                    "s": int.from_bytes(self.signature.s, "big"),
        return tx_dict

    def from_dict(cls, data: dict) -> "Transaction":
        Create transaction from dictionary.

            data: Transaction data dictionary.

            Transaction: A new transaction instance

            ValueError: If required fields are missing or invalid
        tx_data = data.copy()

        # Handle signature if present
        signature = None
        if all(k in tx_data for k in ["v", "r", "s"]):
            r_value = tx_data.pop("r")
            s_value = tx_data.pop("s")

            # Convert hex strings to bytes if necessary
            if isinstance(r_value, str):
                r_value = bytes.fromhex(r_value[2:] if r_value.startswith("0x") else r_value)
            if isinstance(s_value, str):
                s_value = bytes.fromhex(s_value[2:] if s_value.startswith("0x") else s_value)

            signature = Signature(v=tx_data.pop("v"), r=r_value, s=s_value)
            tx_data["signature"] = signature

        return cls(**tx_data)

    def serialize_transaction(self) -> bytes:
        Serialize a transaction to bytes.

            bytes: The serialized transaction

            SignatureError: If transaction is not signed or signature verification fails
        if not self.signature:
            msg = "The transaction is not signed."
            raise SignatureError(msg)

        # Create transaction dict without 'from' and with proper signature format
        txn_data = self.to_dict()

        if "from" in txn_data:

        # Create unsigned transaction dict
        unsigned_txn = serializable_unsigned_transaction_from_dict(txn_data)
        signature = (self.signature.v, to_int(self.signature.r), to_int(self.signature.s))

        signed_txn = encode_transaction(unsigned_txn, signature)

        # Verify signature
        recovered = Account.recover_transaction(signed_txn)
        if self.from_ and recovered.lower() != self.from_.lower():
            msg = f"Recovered signer doesn't match sender! Expected: {self.from_}, got: {recovered}"
            raise SignatureError(msg)

        return signed_txn

from_dict(data) classmethod

Create transaction from dictionary.


Name Type Description Default
data dict

Transaction data dictionary.



Name Type Description
Transaction Transaction

A new transaction instance


Type Description

If required fields are missing or invalid

Source code in web3_google_hsm/types/
def from_dict(cls, data: dict) -> "Transaction":
    Create transaction from dictionary.

        data: Transaction data dictionary.

        Transaction: A new transaction instance

        ValueError: If required fields are missing or invalid
    tx_data = data.copy()

    # Handle signature if present
    signature = None
    if all(k in tx_data for k in ["v", "r", "s"]):
        r_value = tx_data.pop("r")
        s_value = tx_data.pop("s")

        # Convert hex strings to bytes if necessary
        if isinstance(r_value, str):
            r_value = bytes.fromhex(r_value[2:] if r_value.startswith("0x") else r_value)
        if isinstance(s_value, str):
            s_value = bytes.fromhex(s_value[2:] if s_value.startswith("0x") else s_value)

        signature = Signature(v=tx_data.pop("v"), r=r_value, s=s_value)
        tx_data["signature"] = signature

    return cls(**tx_data)


Serialize a transaction to bytes.


Name Type Description
bytes bytes

The serialized transaction


Type Description

If transaction is not signed or signature verification fails

Source code in web3_google_hsm/types/
def serialize_transaction(self) -> bytes:
    Serialize a transaction to bytes.

        bytes: The serialized transaction

        SignatureError: If transaction is not signed or signature verification fails
    if not self.signature:
        msg = "The transaction is not signed."
        raise SignatureError(msg)

    # Create transaction dict without 'from' and with proper signature format
    txn_data = self.to_dict()

    if "from" in txn_data:

    # Create unsigned transaction dict
    unsigned_txn = serializable_unsigned_transaction_from_dict(txn_data)
    signature = (self.signature.v, to_int(self.signature.r), to_int(self.signature.s))

    signed_txn = encode_transaction(unsigned_txn, signature)

    # Verify signature
    recovered = Account.recover_transaction(signed_txn)
    if self.from_ and recovered.lower() != self.from_.lower():
        msg = f"Recovered signer doesn't match sender! Expected: {self.from_}, got: {recovered}"
        raise SignatureError(msg)

    return signed_txn


Convert transaction to dictionary format for

Source code in web3_google_hsm/types/
def to_dict(self) -> dict:
    """Convert transaction to dictionary format for"""
    tx_dict = {
        "chainId": self.chain_id,
        "nonce": self.nonce,
        "gasPrice": self.gas_price,
        "gas": self.gas_limit,
        "value": self.value,
        "from": self.from_,
    return tx_dict


Convert to dictionary format suitable for signing.

Source code in web3_google_hsm/types/
def to_transaction_dict(self) -> dict:
    """Convert to dictionary format suitable for signing."""
    tx_dict = {
        "chainId": self.chain_id,
        "nonce": self.nonce,
        "gasPrice": self.gas_price,
        "gas": self.gas_limit,
        "value": self.value,
    # Add signature if present
    if self.signature:
                "v": self.signature.v,
                "r": int.from_bytes(self.signature.r, "big"),
                "s": int.from_bytes(self.signature.s, "big"),
    return tx_dict