CLI interface for web3-google-hsm.
generate(project_id=typer.Option(..., envvar='GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT', help='Google Cloud project ID'), location=typer.Option(..., envvar='GOOGLE_CLOUD_REGION', help='Cloud KMS location (e.g. us-east1)'), keyring=typer.Option(..., envvar='KEY_RING', help='Name of the key ring'), key_id=typer.Option(..., envvar='KEY_NAME', help='ID for the new key'), retention_days=typer.Option(365, help='Days to retain key versions'))
🔑 Generate a new Ethereum signing key in Cloud HSM.
Source code in web3_google_hsm/
sign(message=typer.Argument(..., help='Message to sign'), account=typer.Option(..., '--account', '-a', help='Ethereum address of the signing account'))
📝 Sign a message using a Cloud HSM key.