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🔐 Google HSM Ethereum CLI Tool

A command-line interface for managing Ethereum keys and signing operations using Google Cloud HSM.

📋 Prerequisites

Before using the CLI tool, ensure you have:

  1. Google Cloud project with KMS enabled
  2. Required environment variables set up:
    export GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT="your-project-id"
    export GOOGLE_CLOUD_REGION="us-east1"
    export KEY_RING="eth-keyring"
    export KEY_NAME="eth-key"
    export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="path/to/your/service-account.json"

🛠️ Installation

Install the package using pip:

pip install web3-google-hsm

📚 Commands

Key Generation

Generate a new Ethereum signing key in Google Cloud HSM:

# Using environment variables
web3-google-hsm generate

# Or specify explicitly
web3-google-hsm generate \
  --project-id my-project \
  --location us-east1 \
  --keyring eth-keyring \
  --key-id eth-key-1 \
  --retention-days 365

web3-google-hsm generate --project-id hsm-testing-445507 --location nam10 --keyring eth-keyring --key-id cli_key

Options: - --project-id: Google Cloud project ID (env: GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT) - --location: Cloud KMS location (env: GOOGLE_CLOUD_REGION) - --keyring: Name of the key ring (env: KEY_RING) - --key-id: ID for the new key (env: KEY_NAME) - --retention-days: Days to retain key versions (default: 365)

Example output:

✅ Created Ethereum signing key: projects/my-project/locations/us-east1/keyRings/eth-keyring/cryptoKeys/eth-key-1
🔑 Ethereum address: 0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e

Message Signing

Sign a message using your HSM key:

# Sign a simple message
web3-google-hsm sign "Hello Ethereum!" --account 0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e

# Sign a hex message
web3-google-hsm sign "0x4d7920686578206d657373616765" --account 0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e

Arguments: - message: The message to sign (text or hex) - --account, -a: Ethereum address of the signing account

Example output:

✅ Message signed successfully!
📝 Message: Hello Ethereum!
🔏 Signature: 0x4d7920686578206d657373616765000000000000000000000000000000000000
📊 Components:
  v: 27
  r: 0x1b7e9c7c039d8f4688a743b0c5c0e509209e6f200d956bf7f4e89f5ad330c135
  s: 0x0d27e9c7c039d8f4688a743b0c5c0e509209e6f200d956bf7f4e89f5ad330c13

⚙️ Environment Variables

The CLI tool supports the following environment variables:

Variable Description Used In
GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT Google Cloud project ID generate
GOOGLE_CLOUD_REGION Cloud KMS location generate
KEY_RING Name of the key ring generate
KEY_NAME Name of the key generate
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS Path to service account JSON all commands

🔍 Common Issues and Solutions

  1. Account Mismatch Error

    ❌ Account mismatch: 0x742d... != 0x123...
    Solution: Verify that the --account parameter matches the address of your HSM key.

  2. Authentication Error

    ❌ Error: Request had invalid authentication credentials
    Solution: Check your GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable.

  3. Missing Environment Variables

    ❌ Error: Field cannot be empty or whitespace
    Solution: Ensure all required environment variables are set or provide values via command-line options.

🔐 Security Best Practices

  1. Always keep your Google Cloud service account key secure
  2. Use appropriate IAM roles and permissions
  3. Regularly rotate your keys using the --retention-days option
  4. Verify signatures after signing
  5. Always check that the signing address matches your expected address